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Adolescence is a time where ideas and beliefs about relationships, including gender roles and sex, are being developed. Sexual and consent education occurs through various pathways including schools, youth services, the media, families and parenting, and peers and pornography. Evidence shows that pornography impacts knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about sex, intimacy, consent and relationships among young people. By improving the sexual and consent education we provide to young people, we are better able to control the message, promote healthy relationships and help prevent violence against women. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) proposed changes to enhance sexual and consent education in schools. This update to the Australian curriculum was for public consultation (closed 8th July 2021). The consultation provided an opportunity for the domestic and family violence sector to contribute to this discussion. The expert panel will draw on their diverse experiences and research to discuss the rationale for the changes, the role of digital cultures in young people’s relationships and sexual learning, and opportunities for sexual and consent education. The discussion will be facilitated by Michele Robinson (ANROWS) with: - Janice Atkin, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) - Professor Kath Albury, Swinburne University of Technology - Anne-Marie Henley, SHINE SA - Professor Alan McKee, University of Technology Sydney - Professor Helen Cahill, University of Melbourne - Oliver Keane, SHINE SA - Kim Henderson, Our Watch This webinar is designed for policymakers, practice design decision-makers, practitioners and researchers working in domestic and family violence, education and the community services sector.
“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum
“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum