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Freeport, Gand Bahama is known for the pods of wild dolphin that frolic in it's waters. It is also known for UNEXSO the Underwater Explorers Society which operates one of the largest one of the largest interactive captive dolphin programs where tourists can get in the water and swim with trained captive dolphin and experience these wonderful gentle creatures in their own element. What is truly unique is that these dolphin are taken out into the open ocean on a daily basis to play with divers and snorkelers but never swim away to escape captivity. It is a testament to UNEXSO and the wonderful care they receive. This video was shot by George Monteiro of Sea-Cam, Inc. on the new Red Digital Cinema camera. The model/actress the lovely Muriel Hurtado
A Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SDA Girl and a Dolphin SD
A Girl and a Dolphin SD