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ミーミの休日の一日に密着の後編だよ😁✨ 最後まで見てね~❣❣ 前編はコチラ https://youtu.be/tqBfzmu4z1g ナイジェリア人と日本人のハーフの小学3年生の女の子、ミーミのチャンネルです❣ミーミのおもしろおかしい日常を楽しんでください😁✨ ◆ミーミちゃんねる登録お願いします(*^-^*) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5KyCDdZt8Owt-mwFNnQXA?sub_confirmation=1 ◆ミーミのLINEスタンプはコチラ😁✨ https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/7781686 ◆ママのチャンネルはこちら https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1XnhOkUzFLcGuh4oGKvtRQ?sub_confirmation=1 【ミーミへファンレターの宛先・問い合わせ先】 チャンネルの概要欄に記載してありますので、そちらからご確認をお願いします! ◆ミーミのInstagram https://www.instagram.com/mimichannel_7/ ◆ミーミのTik Tok http://vt.tiktok.com/JaKjRy/ #ミーミちゃんねる #小学生 #3年生 ◆過去のアップロード(再生リスト)はこちらから◆ ★ほのぼの日常(DAILY LIFE) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZAGec7WuAO63DtAe64jO3m ★ミーミのヘアアレンジ(HAIR STYLE) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALao2BCE0hrXZ4891k2H_c3r ★買い放題・限定シリーズ(shopping) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZ8CpLchuuhR1G10UQS94c9 ★食べる&お料理をするミーミ(EATING&COOKING) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALbtrk6b-2zzizfCHh_7ZZ-l ★学校・お勉強のこと(SCHOOL&STUDY) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALaD514EQ3n6ryosKXC7GyLU ★ミーミ軍曹シリーズ(DRAMA&MOVIE SHOW) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALY1meAak_FuHFsJjnNG95jd ★リカちゃんと工作【ミーミ工房】(DIY CRAFT) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZqG8ns_AwvB55dDOzcb81P ★ミーミ大工シリーズ(KID'S CARPENTER) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZZAdJlBfaQ-XF1on_Wnb_t ★幼いころのミーミ( CHILDHOOOD) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZ27l99zRca_wQ9h1-LB_gp ★運動(スポーツ)をするミーミ(SPORTS) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZeJY1wyt0twuuUXRehHkBm ★質問コーナー(QUESTION CORNER) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALa-8ikRmWHamELuEGn5AjRY ★ドッキリ(PRANK) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALa1TeIh0gqhARKP0MoRyIpv ★ピアノを弾くミーミ (PIANO) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZvsre9mOrTWlhlKB_YM7sN ★メディアに出たミーミ (MEDIA) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZ2ryzPaJ5qMDdHX7oYG1dI ★ハムスター&ザリガニ (HAMSTER&CRAYFISH) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALY8RyYH1WIFJ3vG62I4UiqG ★ミーミの体験シリーズ(EXPERIENCE) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZrZWnJtsrShsolxRnU37Cx ★ファッションとミーミ(FASHION) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYNvGt9LPALZNkdF8V3wGsX0nYva9uxEv (Greetings from Mimi) Hello everybody! My name is Mimi and this is my channel Mimi Channel! I am 9 years old, I live in Japan, and I have a really cool back-story. My Father is from Nigeria and my Mother is from Japan so I was born mixed! I would LOVE it if you could watch my videos and hang out with me and my Mom. Let’s have some fun, and hey, if you enjoy my videos please subscribe to my channel! (Greetings From Mimi’s Mother) Hello everyone, please allow me to introduce myself! I am Mimi’s mother and I manage the channel personally. On this channel we would like to give each of you a peek into Mimi’s daily shenanigans, and it would make us both very happy if you could find these videos enjoyable enough to laugh along! Trust me, Mimi is quite funny. (February 2019) (A Word for the Viewers) Your comments mean the world to Mimi and I, and we are always very grateful to read them. I read every single comment one by one! Your comments motivate us and encourage us to continue our Youtube channel. So please continue to comment and support us and from this moment forward, we will continue to do our absolute best! Thank you all so very much. -Mimi’s Mother 【Please send Fan-Letters and Art】 to: 3-6-28 Aobadai Meguro-ku, Tokyo Sumitomo Real Estate Aobadai Tower 2F 〒153-0042 To Kii (mimichannel) And follow us on: LINE-http://nav.cx/fKhUkLW and Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/mimichannel_7/ And Support us on: Patreon-https://www.patreon.com/user?u=25380107 [Un saludo desde Mim] Hola a todos leyendo esto! ¡Mi nombre es Mimi y este es mi canal de Youtube