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A quick look at our cooking corn dynamic theme. in addition to dynamic fire and dynamic butter (okay, I made that last one up), I've programmed the corn to actually 'cook' on the grill over the course of 10-15 minutes (which is the suggested time to grill corn...I'm serious. Look it up....I'll wait.) The above video shows this process accelerated over 90 seconds. Once the corn is fully cooked, it is removed, and a fresh one is set in its place. I guess the goal of this theme is to make you hungry? Also title is tentative, as I'm not sure if it would be approved. If it does, I owe Mermandala a $5 PSN card. There, I said it on youtube, so now it's official (that's the law as I understand it.) Also, added salt. but don't dawdle too long on the function screen, or your sodium levels will shoot through the roof.
Hot Corn -ography (corn gets cooked!) work in progressHot Corn -ography (corn gets cooked!) work in progressHot Corn -ography (corn gets cooked!) work in progressHot Corn -ography (corn gets cooked!) work in progress
Hot Corn -ography (corn gets cooked!) work in progress